* Create Business Relationships Faster Use Smart Digital Business Cards !

Create and share your business cards faster.
Manage your business contacts effectively.

It's easy to use!

Create Your BizCard

Fill your business contact details either online or using your BizCard mobile app.

Share Your BizCard

Clients can simply scan your Business Card QR code to get all your business contact details.

Never Lose Clients

Any update you make to your business contact would automatically be updated on your clients devices.

Summary Video

Shout it Out ...

Notify clients of updates, offers, promos and sales...

Drive engagement, with relevant updates and notifications.

Broadcast Promo
Never be in the

Get your Business Contacts anywhere, anytime, from any device

Just go to "contacts.unicus.live", or log in to any BizCard app from any device to retrieve your Business Contacts.